all your questions, we have got answers. If any of your questions are not addressed below, please get in touch with us.

NewRobos is based in Delhi, India.

NewRobos courses are quite engaging and super fun. Our team has experience of 15 years. Our faculty is very supportive and we believe in creating an ambiance for our students where they get motivated to learn and create. We aim to develop the problem-solving skills of children. All our courses are designed keeping in mind the latest technology. All our live classes start with 10 minutes of warm-up moving to 45 minutes of teaching the curriculum and then ending with 10 minutes of wrap-up. Where we believe in the quality of education, we also feel that the courses should be cost-efficient.

We have two courses for beginners- Scratch Programming and Python Junior

Each course can take anywhere between 10-12 hours to complete. But sometimes it also depends on the child’s speed to grasp and learn.

Our courses will be live. They will be conducted on Zoom and Google Meet. If the kids have queries, they can get in touch with our faculty anytime.

We have designed the course curriculum according to the age of the students. The faculty is also trained to teach beginners through fun activities and live sessions. Whatever is being taught in the class, they can implement it in real life.

Yes, it is now a mandate. As per the new education policy, coding will be taught to kids from Class 6 onwards. This policy has been laid down by the Government keeping in mind the technology-dominated world.Now programming skills have become the need of the hour.

When the children are introduced to programming, they can do wonders. They can develop games and create characters and animations. .

Yes, we offer 1 free demo class of 60 minutes for you to decide on the enrollment in the course.

We teach basic computer skills of Python, Java, C++ and Artificial Intelligence.

Your kids can grow up to become animators, coders, entrepreneurs, programmers and Data Scientists. The courses we offer are very much in demand as the organizations lookout for these skills and are among the highest paid jobs.

We offer courses at concession rates for two children or if there is a group involved. For inquiries on the same, you may contact our Manager for special group pricing.